
3 Tips to Become a More Productive Leader! - ClearPath Coaching and Consulting

Written by Craig Anderson | July 19, 2022

Do you feel like you could be a productive leader? Do you leave daily with a more significant to-do list than when you started? Are those priorities you were going to address today? You’re not alone! This post will share tips to help you become a more effective leader. Let’s get started!

The Productive Leader Delegates Effectively

Some believe that controlling everything is a leader’s job and they can do it all. They feel the best way not to lose productivity is to get things done themselves. They believe assigning items to their team members just slows them down. And, it’s true, you likely can complete something faster this time, but there will also be other times where these duties need fulfilling, so ultimately, your efficiency goes down rather than up.

It’s not easy to delegate, but it is necessary. The truth of delegating means giving up some control over the process to ensure more things get done quickly and you can focus on moving the whole business forward.

The key to successful delegation is ensuring your team has a firm grasp on your vision, goals, and priorities for the business. When your team knows what’s important, they understand what is necessary to complete the assigned tasks aligned with you and the company.

Finally, create a system that lets you stay on top of everything and delegate effectively. Recognize that your team members may be at different levels of competency to complete these tasks for you. So create a schedule of weekly one-on-ones and monthly reviews to ensure work stays on track.

Productivity Gains through Schedule Discipline

What is your ideal week? Do you know what a perfect day and week look like for you, or are you just going with the flow of everyday life and letting other people dictate how to spend your time? If you identify what your optimal daily and weekly schedules look like, then it becomes simple to plan: block out times for must-do meetings, project time, break time, and walking around the office checking on others’ progress. You account for every moment!

Start with the things you control: when you get up, arrive at work, and leave for the day. Next, block in time for getting work and projects done. Think about when you are most productive during the day to get started.

Next, add the meetings you must attend. Don’t assume the minimum time is 30 minutes for your meetings. Appointments will fill the time you allow. Start with 15 minutes, then expand as warranted.

Finally, get out of the habit of just accepting every meeting that appears on your calendar. You can’t expect to get your work done if you’re constantly running from meeting to meeting. Block your schedule so you have at least 15 minutes between appointments. Delegate meetings to your team or ask the meeting leader to provide you with notes after the fact.

The Productive Leader Learns to Say “No”

Saying no to requests can be the hardest thing for a leader. The more you say yes, the less time and energy to devote to your goals.  You’re not a good leader if you can’t finish your work. Saying no to requests is just as important for productivity as a disciplined calendar and effective delegation.

As you decide what commitments you will accept, assess them against your goals, priorities, and vision. That is the first question you must ask before considering time and availability. It’s not just a question: Do I have a slot open on my calendar!

Saying no is hard. You may disappoint or even anger people, but you must keep the long game in mind. You may even feel guilty for saying “no,” but this emotion is a sign that there’s something else going on inside of you. You will compromise your goals if you cannot say no when appropriate.

Saying “no” will help you get what you want. Knowing when to say no is necessary, and not allowing others to distract you from your goals is essential. This will let you find success sooner, with greater ease than if you had said yes in those same situations!

Saying “No” helps us achieve our dreams faster by strengthening our commitment to them.

If you want to be a productive leader, start delegating effectively, establishing a scheduling discipline, and learning to say no. These three tips should help get you started on the path to becoming a more productive leader. But if you want more personalized advice or need help implementing these principles, I’m here for you. Schedule an introductory call with me today, and let me help you take your productivity (and leadership) to the next level. Thanks for reading!