
Discipline Defines Success with Patricio Daneri - ClearPath Coaching and Consulting

Written by Craig Anderson | April 27, 2023

After an unbalanced start to his professional life, Patricio Daneri, Managing Director of Energy Harness Corporation, discovered the power of empathy and discipline, transforming his team and ultimately developing a successful business empire. Now he has a keen eye for unlocking potential in others and helping them surpass their own expectations.

In this episode, Patricio shares his story of moving to the United States from Argentina at 16 and how he brings this unique cultural understanding and dedication to his work now. Listen in to hear how Patricio came to understand the importance of self-awareness and nurturing individual strengths and what you can do to become an advocate for discipline and empathy within your team.

After You Listen:

Key Takeaways:

  • Focus on your empathy and discipline skills to drive successful business management
  • Research the benefits of data analytics for optimizing energy management
  • Don’t take work home with you, business isn’t personal

Things to listen for:

  • [00:54] Lightning round with Patricio
  • [07:06] Patricio’s first leadership role
  • [14:16] The pros and cons of making career your first priority
  • [23:38] How to balance visionary and integrator roles
  • [24:44] Patricio’s advice for his younger self
  • [28:10] Craig’s takeaways

Patricio’s Transcript

This is Executive Evolution. I’m Craig Anderson and my mission is to equip accidental leaders like me with the confidence, competence, and calm to level up their leadership.

One of the big areas we have opportunities as leaders is to help people see in themselves what they might not be able to see, where we can see those employees who have the potential to level up and move into that next role

Is crucial for the long-term success for our business. It allows us to build bench strength. It allows us to have people move up in the organization who truly understand our organization and so often our teammates don’t see that ability in themselves.

When I opened up the tease, that was an employee I had in my call center in my last business, and I saw in him the capacity and capability. To take on a bigger role with a more challenging sales opportunity for him where he could not only do more for our business, but up level his own life with more knowledge, more experience, and more pay.

But he didn’t even see it in himself. He didn’t apply for the role. . But when I pointed out to him that I saw that opportunity in him and that capacity in him, you could see his face light up. He went through that process and he did get that role. That is how we grow our business for the long haul, and that is one of the key lessons we’re going to learn today from Patric.

Patricio Danner, the managing director of Energy Harness. He’s got a great tale of his own executive evolution and the lessons he’s learned along the way. So let’s get onto the interview.

Energy Harness was founded about 10 years ago and we specialize in commercial lighting for most applications, exterior and interior. Our primary focus, uh, end users are government entities. Like schools and also hospitals.

So you bring the light to education.

[00:02:13] Patricio Daneri: We do, we do a lot of critical areas like operating rooms, classrooms, so we take a lot of pride in what we

[00:02:18] Craig: Yeah. That’s incredible. That’s incredible.

[00:02:21] Patricio Daneri: All right. Let’s see what we can learn about you. Patricia, what is the best leadership book you have ever read?

I would say for me, because of the time when I did it, was a book called Rocket Fuel.

[00:02:34] Craig: I read that book when I was in a crossroad in the business about four years in. and he really did something meaningful to us. as the book really talks a lot about having both an integrator and divisionary and both roles are critical to an organization’s long-term success, the book goes to say that you can be both of those roles for a short period, but not over time.

[00:02:57] Patricio Daneri: And I was playing both roles, but realized I really enjoyed, casting a vision and needed a few good integrators to help see that.

[00:03:06] Craig: and when you think about that kind of timing, right, four years into a business, is that really when things start to become where, hey, I’ve gotta really get a team built around me to start filling some slots on the team. Is that a crucial moment in the business?

[00:03:20] Patricio Daneri: it was for us. You know, we started the business the first of 2014. If I could go back, I would say 2015 and 16 were the years I enjoy the most, it was really a family business. we had 15, 20 people, half of them were, you know, family, friends, if you will, and it just felt everybody was doing everything and we were doing something for the first time and growing it.

And about four years in, I started to realize we are going to hit a ceiling quickly if we do not start to transition into what I would call a, from a small business to a medium sized business and rocket fuel. Really did it for me to realize we need some additional leadership, that can really begin to build processes that are gonna be sustainable.

So in 2017 and 18, I brought in several leaders, four key ones that are still with us today doing great things. And that was a critical moment in our history that book led.

[00:04:18] Craig: Okay, question number two. Who is your leadership crush?

[00:04:24] Patricio Daneri: So the person that immediately comes to mind is someone that should be extremely well known but isn’t, and that was the president of the mortgage bank that I worked for immediately outta college. His name is Mike Kellerher. He actually has a podcast of his own around leadership as well. And that guy is just, , incredible,

that was the best thing that ever happened to me was, having the opportunity to work with that guy.

[00:04:50] Craig: What did he do that really left you with an impression of maybe how your leadership style has evolved?

[00:04:57] Patricio Daneri: Absolutely. he did more than anybody ever has. as far as leaving an impression, I’ve learned everything, from, him and his team, I will say. you know, happy to go into detail, but at a high level, incredibly disciplined. , both personally and professionally and to me, that is the secret to a good life and a good business.

If you have discipline around your actions, discipline around your schedule, you’re gonna, you’re gonna find success.

[00:05:25] Craig: AndI think you’ve hit on two things already that are so important for leaders. One, that self-awareness that you talked about when you read the book and realized, to take the business to the next level. I have to change. And then the second part around the discipline to be successful in business and be focused on business, that’s such a crucial piece for the long-term.

[00:05:44] Patricio Daneri: Yeah. I would summarize, you know, business success with that word. That’s one of my favorite Alzheimer’s. You gotta have discipl.

[00:05:51] Craig: Yeah, yeah, that’s, great. Okay. Now finally, and especially coming off of your comments about Mr. Kellerher, 10 words or less, how would you define leadership?

[00:06:03] Patricio Daneri: had this happen to me a few times and it’s, I think, the best thing that can happen to a leader when someone reports into you says, I didn’t think I could do that

[00:06:14] Craig: when you can get someone to be better than what they thought they could do. That’s.

I’ve had a couple of instances where I recognized. , whether it was in a sales role, somebody coming in saying, I’m an operations person. I will never be a good salesperson, and you realize they have. , those skills that you need, even though they may not be a naturally born salesperson, and then two, three, four, five years later, they’re doing things they never imagined.

[00:06:45] Patricio Daneri: That starts to become a virtuous cycle because their confidence goes up and as their confidence goes up, they do more things they didn’t think through and so forth and so on. But it’s igniting that initial fire. That to me is what leadership’s all.

[00:06:59] Craig: Yeah, and a side benefit to that, is now you’re creating a group of people inside the business who you can promote up into leadership roles as opposed to having to go out and bringing people in who have to learn your culture and your priorities and everything else.

[00:07:13] Patricio Daneri: we always do everything we can to promote from within first. And rarely do we go outside to find a manager or a leader, to come join us. We did it one time in the 2007 2008 era. We were very cautious. It took a year and a half to get there, and after we figured that out, we actually have not brought in any outside managers.

We hired people and promoted them from within

[00:07:36] Craig: That’s fantastic. Yeah, that’s snow. That’s where you could do that and what that does for your team to see, Hey, someday, I can come in as a college grad and maybe someday I’m gonna be a leader in this business.

[00:07:49] Patricio Daneri: The CEO of the business. Absolutely.

[00:07:51] Craig: well now we’re talking about leadership. Let’s go back. So you talked about that job outta college.

What was your first real leadership role?

[00:07:59] Patricio Daneri: My first leadership role was at the age of probably 22. I graduated from Purdue in 2008. I was 21 still at the time, going on 22. And, A year into my career with Royal United, I was there for five years before I started the business. a year into it, not even, I started as a loan officer, did really well, very quickly, I became a manager and I grew a team of four to seven to 10 to 20 people, at the age of 23 probably.

And, most of them were two, three times my age. And, I was definitely the youngest person, so that was kind of

[00:08:36] Craig: Yeah. So you know what hit you when you were in that role growing a team that you didn’t expect? What surprised you about being in charge

[00:08:45] Patricio Daneri: I don’t know if I should say this or not, but gosh, most people just don’t wanna work hard. Most people need a, whether it’s the carrot and the stick, however you call it. , most people just need help. getting motivated and learning what they’re capable of. I was under the impression, you know, this was my first job out of school, that most people had that in them.

here’s an opportunity. I grew up in Argentina where there isn’t one. You look at the US as the land of opportunities. So everybody here just appreciates what they have. And here we have an opportunity to make an unlimited income and help as many people as possible. And people were showing up.

Excuses not motivated, and that really hit me pretty hard.

[00:09:30] Craig: Yeah.How did you solve for that? What did you do? How did you try and help get their mindset changed?

[00:09:37] Patricio Daneri: I struggled a lot, I was a young manager again, 23 years old. Managing somebody in their thirties and forties. So that was really difficult, right? they would look at me looking back and say, What do you know? there’s no way you can help me. But the results, because I was able to do their job better than they did, really did go a long way, right?

So we were originating loans, originating refinances, for customers, purchase money loans for new homes. and I was able to do three, four times the volume that they ever did. So that really helped some. But nonetheless, I was still a year outta college dealing with folks that had four kids,

[00:10:20] Craig: and I didn’t know what that was all about.

[00:10:22] Patricio Daneri: I couldn’t relate to that at the time.

[00:10:24] Craig: oh yeah. That’s a tough thing, right? Then when you have a group of older team members, you know, you go home at the end of the day when you’re 23 years old, and it’s like your day’s kind of over, you’re hanging out, they have to go home, and they have a whole different life from what you’re dealing with, right?

[00:10:38] Patricio Daneri: Yeah, and looking back, I just, obviously I’m 23 years old. I want to take over the world. I want to be the c e o of that company someday. the president at the time, Mike, you know, that’s my leadership crush, if you will. I’m a year and a half into it. and, I just wouldn’t take any excuses.

You know, I didn’t have a lot of empathy back then. I thought, if you’re late, you’re late. I don’t care what you had, going on. And over the years I learned that that’s not gonna get you too far. And, you’re not gonna probably maximize your team’s value if you are not a little bit more empathetic.

So I’ve had to learn that the tough way.

[00:11:11] Craig: Yeah. And that’s so interesting cuz empathy, and we talked so much more about that today than we did back, you know, when I started out with my corporate roles in like the early nineties, it was like nobody really cared.

But you grew that empathy. Did someone point that out to you or was that just more of a maturation process?

[00:11:29] Patricio Daneri: both. I would say, I will never forget this, my direct supervisor who I think the world of, and I still talk to all of them, even though I left 10 years ago. We, we literally spoke yesterday. Uh, but anyway, Eric was telling me you can’t paint everybody with the same brush.

[00:11:46] Craig:

[00:11:47] Patricio Daneri: it was so hard for me to understand what he really meant.

Believe it, let alone practice that. I came from a place growing up in Argentina and you know, having a small family where if your sister gets 10, you get 10. if you go at seven, you go at seven, whatever. So it was a very. Very much the same no matter what. That’s the culture I grew up in. And then when I, you know, came into the real world and realized everybody’s different, some people may need an hour of coaching, some people may need two days of coaching, and that’s okay.

Some people may need a break over here because of what they’re going through. Some people over there. That really took me years to understand because I thought the right thing to do was to be firm and.

[00:12:34] Craig: Yeah.

[00:12:35] Patricio Daneri: and anything less, you’re letting people down. You’re not a good manager. You’re not a good leader.

And what I’ve come to realize, you can’t paint everybody with the same brush, right? Not everybody’s the same. And if you treat people individually, you’re gonna likely maximize the outcome. And that was, tough. Very tough.

[00:12:54] Craig: So you kind of jumped into this very early leadership role at a very early age outta college and had to overcome those challenges, but you also had a cultural difference coming in as well. So what was that learning curve like of learning both culturally and also how to be a leader and a manager?

[00:13:11] Patricio Daneri: it was very difficult. but it, got me to where I am today and I wouldn’t change it for anything. I wanted to be a leader. I wanted to lead people, be a manager, lead by example. make money, all the things that come along the way. my purpose and my role were not aligned as much as they, they could have been looking back, but I wouldn’t change anything,

But it was very tough. as I shared with you, you know, I came from Argentina at the age of 15, 16. , uh, did a few years of high school and then went to Purdue for only three years. I graduated in three and a half years in total. And you know, Purdue is a very diverse place, so people from all over the world.

So that didn’t really sink in until I graduated, what we were referring to. And in a way it was tougher, but in a way it was easier. , I thought, you know, all you gotta do is work hard, show up, do what you’re expected to do and the rest will take care of itself. and when other people did not do that, it just floored me.

I remember, you know, there were a few new hire classes that we had at the time, and we would have 10 to 15 people in a new hire class, and I’m not making it up two weeks later. You know, 10 of those 15 people just wouldn’t pass the most basic. , testing we had in place simply because they just didn’t practice or care.

Not because they didn’t have the capacity or it was very difficult. It was a hundred percent effort or lack thereof.

[00:14:43] Craig: Wow. Yeah. So that ethic you brought was really a big differentiator and that leads into things like the discipline and everything else.

[00:14:51] Patricio Daneri: in my early twenties, actually, I would say the first 10 years out of school. So my first five years at Royal United, my first five years at Energy Harness, I made my career my

priority. And a lot of people resented me at the time. A lot of family, a lot of friends. you know, I’m very, very blessed and lucky to be married to Kelly, who has always been very supportive in my passion, if you will, in my career.

But to me, . I think one of the big differentiators is at the age of 23, 24, 25, this is all I cared about. I did nothing outside of work. and work was my life, was my identity. And that has really changed in the last 5, 6, 7 years. But for the first 10 years outta school,

That was it

[00:15:36] Craig: Yeah, just relentless focus. So now here you are, c e o, running a very successful business. What lessons did you learn from that first role that have made you successful in this role?

[00:15:51] Patricio Daneri: had I not had that first role, Craig, there’s no way I would be here

What I. At Royal United through Mike, through Eric and Craig, and my leadership team then was far more valuable than the paycheck I took home and looking back at it, I think those guys, should write a book and do something much bigger than what they did.

They did some incredible things, but, you know, primarily what I would say I learned that I still use today is really a couple things. Number one process. If you don’t have a process for what you. , it’s probably not, worth doing. and you know, the client satisfaction is a product of your process.

so process and tools to deliver on, on your services, your product, whatever you do. That’s number one. I would say number two is consistent actions, right? Which discipline is sort of connected to that. We manage our business the same way we managed Royal United business, which I’m sure they still do.

15 years ago, and that is you have 52 weeks a year. So we manage the business on a weekly basis from a performance standpoint. So we have goals and you either win or you lose and you have 52 times a year to do either or, and you are going to be a product of those 52 weeks at the end of it. so yeah, just a lot of planning, a lot of process.

Consistency around actions, which are at the foundation of Energy Harness

[00:17:17] Craig: Yeah. and really, that’s so interesting. Thinking about looking at every week as the week to. Right. If I’m looking at everything week to week, am I hitting the things I need to hit? Not because of the results on Friday, but because if I do that, the results in six months are gonna show up.

[00:17:34] Patricio Daneri: That’s right. you know, one of Mike’s quotes is, take care of today. You don’t have to worry about


[00:17:40] Craig: right? Most people worry a lot about tomorrow, but if you just focus on doing your very best today, tomorrow will be

Yeah. Yeah. One of my favorite books on Business is, good to Great. And in there he talks about the Flywheel Effect.

[00:17:54] Patricio Daneri: when you said, Hey, what’s your favorite? I was between Good to Great and Rocket Fuel. Rocket Fuel made a bigger impact on me. But Good To Great is probably a better overall book. I would.

[00:18:04] Craig: everything hits you when it needs to hit you,

But I think that idea of a flywheel, right, it’s slow and you just keep going and you can’t lose confidence in faith that you just have to take that next step and eventually it starts to energize itself.

I’ve seen that in companies I’ve run. I’ve seen that in my own business, launching this business. You know, the first few months it’s just like, God, I’m just trying, trying, trying, and nothing’s happening. But then it starts to happen and it starts to build, and you get the momentum. It’s so crucial.

[00:18:32] Patricio Daneri: and funny that you say that, my boss at the end, which was Mike, he was the president of the business. He gave me good to grade like Jim Collins, probably my first year in, leadership. And to me, at the time, it was a very good book, but you know, I was so new and didn’t know anything, so it probably didn’t stick with me.

And I’ve read it probably a total of four or five times in the last 15 years, but it keeps clicking on more and more. So when you read it, it’s probably as important as what you read.

[00:19:02] Craig: that’s right. Yeah. And I, I firmly believe if you can take away 10% of any book and apply it, and if you’re hearing it at different times, it’s different things. so when you, touched on. Empathy is something that you had to learn. So as you look at your role today and even as we talk about, you know, right now, well, it’s less about hours at the desk and more about the product that you put out, and people have so many things going on.

How does empathy fit into your leadership style today?

[00:19:30] Patricio Daneri: Yeah, it’s funny because I find myself giving my direct leaders. Very similar feedback that I was given regarding empathy. it’s funny because I know I’m not an empathetic person, normally speaking, for example, my wife is overly empathetic. Probably she can put herself in somebody else’s shoes very easily where is much more difficult for me.

so I think it’s something you just have to be very cognizant of and understand. That we are all in this together and the more we can work together, the further everybody goes, right? I call them the win-win model and empathy’s really at the center If you are not able to understand somebody else and you’re just selfish in that way, which is how I was and probably am to a degree today, you’re just gonna have a difficult time getting people excited to trust you and to like you and to follow your.

So I think empathy is becoming significantly more meaningful, as you said from 20, 30 years

[00:20:30] Craig: Yeah. and what I appreciate about what you’re saying too is this whole idea of you very much have a growth mindset. It’s easy enough to say, well, I’m not empathetic, so I’m just gonna be a tyrant and I’m gonna tell people what to do and I’m gonna get all over ’em.

[00:20:42] Patricio Daneri: Sounds like me, at the age of

[00:20:43] Craig: Sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I thought I was great at 23. I was not. I was a monster in many ways, but. if you think about it, right? You said to yourself, I can learn this. This is an important skill. My mentor is telling me this is an important skill, and you figured out a way to do it. It doesn’t mean it’s necessarily your first go-to inclination, but you understand the importance and you’ve grown into it.

And I think that gets back to these themes like self-awareness that we talked about, right? And so you’ve built that in. What did you see over time as you started kind of building that more into your leadership style? What did you see from the team?

[00:21:18] Patricio Daneri: the result is where we are today. in addition to energy harnesses other entities with other incredible people, most of them I’ve worked with 15 years ago and so forth, and. Them coming in and being excited and passionate and still doing it today and growing, I think is the end result of changing that.

What I did on the empathy side and, a few other weaknesses is prior to meeting with folks on specifically more challenging issues, right? Not like, Hey, great job last week, but hey, let’s have a conversation. You did not hit your numbers last week. You did not do what you said you were gonna. Alt Patricio would not care about anything.

Go to town. Rarely end it in a good note. At the time I thought that was the end. Be all now is okay. Let’s seek to understand the other person. Let’s be open-minded. Results certainly matter, but how we get their matters more

and over time you just develop habits, right? So yeah, as long as you’re committed to changing and you understand why you need to.

I think it’s gonna be okay.

[00:22:24] Craig: Yeah. No, that’s fantastic. And you, yeah, just growing into it and being curious and being interested in what’s going on, especially when you see a strong performer suddenly drop off.

[00:22:34] Patricio Daneri: I call it the baseline. That’s the first thing I try to do is establish a

baseline. once you get to know somebody takes 60, 90 days, you know their baseline. and then, you know, when they’re off their baseline, This is not typical for you.

You don’t typically show up late, right? You don’t typically, drop the ball on something like this. What’s happening? and that has really helped me a lot, be able to get people to open up and say, well, I’m really having this challenge, or, you know, I don’t know what’s going on over here. And then when you peel back the onion and realize everything has a solution, we can work through it.

. If you’re not aware of that and that’s not important to you, you’re, you’re likely gonna miss it, right? Because we have so many things going on. I see that with my managers now. I have to, Hey, have you noticed this person’s acting a little differently than they’re like, no, not really.

so you just gotta pay attention to it.

[00:23:22] Craig: and another theme I want to come back to that you mentioned is this idea that, you know, you at some point had to separate out the visionary role, which you kept in the integrator role, which you brought in. As the visionary role, which is so important, but you’ve got successful businesses, you have a lot of things going on.

What works for you as the visionary to still stay in touch with what’s going on in the details of the business? How do you make sure you’re on top of things every day?

[00:23:50] Patricio Daneri: Two things. You have to have a process and a tool. our tool is our weekly business reviews with all of our key, leaders. and we have a process in which we go about doing that every single week. I told you we measure our success 52 times a year. every Monday. We discussed the week before our actuals versus our objectives, and then we set up objectives for the upcoming week.

And we do that on every one of the businesses and within each business on every division. So there’s absolute accountability, around the table. that’s the process I utilize to still understand what’s happening in the business. Although for about a year and a half now, I’ve worked on the business, and I have incredibly talented people that are far more talented than I am.

I’m making sure that from a day-to-day, the business runs as efficiently as it can.

[00:24:40] Craig: Okay, so now as we kind of come to the close, there’s a question that I always love to do. you have a technology company, so you’ve built a time machine. You’re going back in time with all your knowledge today to Patricio at 23, 24 years old.

[00:24:55] Patricio Daneri: What’s the one piece of advice you would give him that would allow him to still have all the success, but maybe make him just a little bit?

Wow. a lot of things were making me a lot better back then. You know, back then I, with the knowledge or limited knowledge I had, I think I did pretty good. I worked really hard. I was very driven. I really. Cared. My heart, my head were in the business. I really just didn’t know. I didn’t know people very well.

that’s clearly my big miss. because of that, as I shared with you though, I made this my priority. I sweated everything. I took everything home with me. I took everything very personally. If somebody told. , it’s happened many times. You’re a terrible manager. I don’t wanna work for you. a lot of those flashbacks I thought, you know, I took it very, very much as a personal, issue.

And my poor wife, she dealt with most of it because I would come home and I would be so upset, or the whole weekend will be ruined, if you will. So patricio. It’s gonna be okay. Don’t take it personal. It’s business. You’ll deal with it on Monday.

I think that’s probably the largest change I’ve had that I wish I, I would’ve done sooner. Now I leave my problems at the office. I don’t even have a home office.

[00:26:13] Craig: I used to no home office. I get home, everything’s fine. I’ll pick it up again on Monday and in three words it goes on. . I used to think everything was the end of the world and how can this happen to me?

[00:26:28] Patricio Daneri: why can this person talk to me this way? Hey, it’s just business. Right?

[00:26:32] Craig: but that is such a struggle when we spend so much of our lives at work to not take it personal and not take it home every day. But it hurts when you take it home. Not just you, but it hurts your family, right when you’re distracted, when you’re outta sorts, and it’s just hanging over you all weekend.

[00:26:47] Patricio Daneri: Craig, you know, looking back, The sleepless nights in my, early twenties, the amount of stress in my early twenties, I look back and say, why? Why did I put myself through that? Right? Cause you cared and you wanted to succeed and be the best you could be. But for anybody else listening to this, if you’re a young manager, everything will work itself out.

Don’t take it person.

[00:27:12] Craig: Oh, that is a perfect note to end our interview on. One last thing, Patrice, if people wanna learn more about you or energy harness, where can they find you?

[00:27:21] Patricio Daneri: Energy Feel free to send me a LinkedIn message at Patricio Dari on LinkedIn. we are all over social media as well. If you have any lighting opportunities, commercial lighting, that is, by all means, give us a call, send us an email. It

[00:27:37] Craig: So many great lessons to learn in that interview As always, I like to frame those lessons in the three key leadership areas of confidence, competence, and calm. Confidence is something that Patricio really showed when he had grown this business and he was about four years in and he read that book, rocket Fuel and realized that he could no longer be the main person driving both the vision and the operation of the business.

He had self-awareness. To make the decision to split those roles, to bring someone on who could help him with the operation side of the business so he could continue on being the visionary to move the business forward. And that’s a lot of self-awareness. One to know that, and two, to have the confidence to split that role and to start turning things over to other people.

But when you listen to his story, That was the point of dynamic growth for his business when he split those things off. That’s why confidence is so important and shown through that self-awareness competence. Another crucial leadership characteristic and what Patricio talked about was discipline, the importance of discipline in our leadership process and with our leadership team.

I love that he looks at the business as 52 weeks a year, running the business a week at a time, having that weekly leadership meeting where they go through and review, did we hit our numbers? How were we successful? Where were we not successful? How are we going to adjust this week? by staying laser focused on what’s going on in the business, they were able to achieve those weekly results that turned into the big year long growth for the business.

And then the last piece, and I’m so glad Patricio spoke about this on Calm, I like Patricio. Had a lot of sleepless nights as a young leader and even as a growing leader because I didn’t realize how to separate.

My work life from my personal life in this era where we have so much remote work in your home office is your office and that’s the only place you ever are. We’ve kind of conflated that home and work life together, but as Patricio notes, by separating that, by being gone at the end of the day and leaving things on the table to deal with the next day, he has been able.

Reduce the stress in his life

So I so appreciate Patricio making that point on this week’s episode.

A common challenge that I see with a lot of leaders, Patricio didn’t touch on this today, but it’s something I hear so often Is having those difficult conversations around accountability and when you can’t have them, those present problems in your business.

If you’d like to improve your ability to have challenging conversations, join my upcoming webinar called A Game Plan for Difficult Conversations so you can focus on accomplishing your mission. You can get more information and register for this monthly slash masterclass.

Thanks for listening, and remember, leaders aren’t born, they’re made, and you can go from an accidental leader to the greatest of all time leader. It just takes confidence, confidence and calm. See you next time on Executive E.